We are now in the midst of some truly scary times, there is no escape from the pandemic that we are now in the midst of. The world as we know it is slowly closing down around us, we await the Prime ministers address to the nation with trepidation. The last blog post that I shared contained a message to be kind to each other, sadly whilst this current pandemic has brought about wonderful acts of kindness and altruism, it has sadly also brought out the very worst in many people. Hoarding and stockpiling, not caring about the most vulnerable people in society. An example of this would be two weeks ago, Ian was in the local supermarket, one foot, in his wheelchair with a wheelchair trolley attached to his wheelchair, some random guy thought that it would be ok to take the loo roll out of Ians trolley, when challenged by Ian he simply replied “well its every man for himself now”. Those of you that know Ian will know that he is quite formidable and eminently able to speak up for himself (or infact anyone that needs it) but in this situation there really wasn’t a great deal that he could do physically. Thankfully we live in Port Talbot so a group of friendly Nana’s had witnessed this and were having none of it. Shouts of “hey hey good boy, what do you think you are doing?” could be heard as far as the bread aisle, so confronted by the blue rinse mafia armed with handbags, the tissue thief returned his bounty and scurried off.

Now don’t think for a minute that this post is going to be my reflection on human behaviour, or a recording of current events. I am not Pliny the elder, more a Dame Vera Lynn (without the crimplene) trying to bring a little light hearted entertainment at this awful time. I mean no one in their right mind would take advice from me, I drink way too much and buy miniature duck feet online.

So today whilst we have been stuck at home I have been reflecting on some of the things Jack and Lucy have done recently, I thought I would share  as it may bring a much needed smile.

It was Mothers Day yesterday, Jack had made me the most beautiful card at his day centre, he was so proud to give it to me, as he handed it to me he said “Happy Mothers Day Muva, look at my arse” as he promptly dropped his trousers and shoved his moon in my face. He really does have such a sense of occasion. This was then followed today by me asking him to pull up his jeans as his pubic hair was on display yet again, his cry of “Muffing hell mun Muva” did not go unnoticed as he unceremoniously hauled up the offending garment. Speaking of garments, Lucy has taken this opportunity to indulge in her eclectic fashion sense (think lady in the van) and has taken to wearing shorts and pyjama tops, coupled with odd socks. I am truly thankful that we are not leaving the house.

It is probably just as well that we are not leaving the house as on recent outings Jack has been a little obsessed with peoples noses. A few weeks back in a very crowded McDonalds, a lovely couple gave up their table so that Jack and his support worker could sit down, now the lady unfortunately did have a large nose , Jack said to her “Ah thank you so much big nose” as he took the proffered seat. He also reminded me that our schnauzer was in desperate need of grooming by telling me she looks like Boris Johnson. When Ian was in hospital Jack said “excuse me” to a man that had his back to us, when he turned around he did have a hell of a trwyn on him, unfortunately Jack said “f*****g hell mate! whats that nose on you?” Thankfully he laughed, as did the mans friends who told me that Jack had made their night.

Jack and Lucys reaction to the virus has been polarized. Jack is very worried and his hoarding behaviour has returned, he was furious with me because I couldn’t tell him what time the virus would arrive, in fact he called me a “lying c**t” for withholding this information from him. Lucy on the other hand has started to take food up to bed with her, she will survive a potential apocalypse by eating Freddo’s and cheese and onion crisps washed down with cream soda, water and drinking chocolate .

We were also told today that after this period of crisis has passed, Ian will be having his leg amputated to the knee. So as we settle down to what will surely be a lockdown, we have opened some wine, I mean you couldn’t make this shit up could you?

Cheers folks and stay safe x